Si c'est un homme est considéré comme l'une des plus importantes oeuvres littéraires du vingtième siècle. C'est le récit bouleversant de la captivité de l'auteur dans le camp d'Auschwitz.
Primo Levi est né à Turin en Italie dans une famille juive de la moyenne bourgeoisie. Il s'inscrit à l'Université de Turin pour étudier la chimie juste avant que la loi fasciste raciale de 1938 interdit l'accès des Juifs aux universités. Primo Levi obtient son diplôme en été 1941 avec la plus haute mention, un an après l'entrée d'Italie dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale à coté de l'Allemagne. Levi décide de prendre le chemin des Alpes et rejoindre le mouvement partisan antifasciste, Giustizia e Libertà, mais il est arrêté en décembre 1943. Deux mois plus tard, Levi, âgé de 24 ans, est déporté à Auschwitz. Grâce à sa spécialité, au lieu d'être sélectionné pour les chambres à gaz, il a été envoyé au camp de travail forcé de Monowitz pour travailler dans l'un des laboratoires de l'IG Farben, entreprise qui produisait du caoutchouc synthétique pour la machine de guerre nazie. Après la libération d'Auschwitz par l'Armée rouge en Janvier 1945, Levi retourne à Turin. Il commence à travailler en tant que chimiste, et en 1947 il publie son premier livre, « Si c'est un homme ». Publié à l'origine dans une petite maison d'édition italienne, ce n'est que dix ans plus tard que ce livre devient mondialement reconnu comme un chef-d'oeuvre. -
« Nobody wanted to help me. I had to do it myself, walking days after days with a heavy backpack as only luggage. I had to do it. My sisters had risked their lives during the Tsar Nicholas time. I had to do what I had to do. It was my turn. In four years, I have been in every shtetls of East Europe and I have taken sixteen thousand pictures between Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, basically in all countries that were not behind "the Iron Curtain"... with the constant obsession to build a monument for the Jew people´s torment... The major requirement to become a human being is to do what others do not want to do. »
Gravitaciones en torno a la obra poetica de Jose Lezama Lima (la habana, 1910-1976)
Laurence Breysse-Chanet, Ina Salazar
- Le Manuscrit
- 19 Janvier 2011
- 9782304035346
"El nombre del escritor cubano José Lezama Lima (poeta, novelista, ensayista) es un nombre fundador para toda la cultura de lengua española. «Viajero inmóvil», que tan sólo salió en dos breves ocasiones de la isla de Cuba (viajó a México, en 1949, y a Jamaica, en 1950), el «Etrusco de la Habana Vieja» -como a él le gustaba a veces firmar sus cartas- revivió la cultura universal y reinventó la lengua española con una escritura «barroca», tan oscura como luminosa. Su obra, de múltiples facetas, participó en la fundación de la identidad literaria de un continente, Nuevo Mundo orientado hacia lo desconocido.
En este año 2010, en que se celebra el centenario de su nacimiento, consideramos indispensable que por el grupo de investigación del PIAL (Poesías Ibéricas y de América Latina, laboratorio CRIMIC), la Universidad de la Sorbona (París Sorbona-París IV) hiciera posible un diálogo más allá de cualquier divergencia, en una nueva unidad de gravitaciones, centradas en un acercamiento renovado a una obra poética compleja.
Este libro reúne las intervenciones de un coloquio internacional (28 y 29 de mayo de 2010), cuyos participantes quisieron interrogar, desde París, ciudad simbólicamente entrañable para Lezama Lima, y desde la fuerza propia de la palabra poética, nuestra herencia «lezamiana» hoy, hacia la integración de las Américas en la cultura universal contemporánea."
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Simone Veil has spoken on very different stages and subjects, and before extremely diverse audiences. The speeches collected here represent only a fraction of her public dialogues: those given over the last six years in her capacity as president of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.Having written those last words, I must immediately correct myself: when our president discusses the Shoah, she is firstly and always Madame Veil, the Auschwitz survivor, matured and enriched by her French and international political experience, who speaks from the heart about her own memory and her own thoughts.Alone, the typed pages of these speeches doubtless lack her gaze, her gravitas, and the singular tone of her stories, which always pierce her listeners.
Aus Paris nach Bergen-Belsen 1944-1945 ; gesammelte Erinnerungen eines deportierten Kindes
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 29 Avril 2009
- 9782304025064
Jacques Saurel, Jahrgang 1933, hätte ohne weiteres das gleiche Schicksal erleiden können wie zahlreiche Kinder von Eltern, die in der Zwischenkriegszeit aus Polen nach Frankreich ausgewandert waren: Auschwitz und die Gaskammer. Seinem Vater verdankt er es, zunächst nicht behelligt worden zu sein: Dieser hatte sich freiwillig zum Militärdienst verpflichtet, war in Kriegsgefangenschaft geraten und deswegen - wie auch seine Familie - durch die Genfer Konvention geschützt. So wurden Jacques, seine ältere Schwester (die jüngste war versteckt) und sein kleiner Bruder drei Monate lang in Drancy interniert und dann mit ihrer Mutter in das "Sternlager" von Bergen-Belsen deportiert.
From Paris to Bergen-Belsen : memories of a deported child
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 27 Août 2010
- 9782304034424
Born in 1933, Jacques Saurel might well have known the fate of so many children of Jewish parents who emigrated from Poland between the wars: Auschwitz and the gas chamber.
He owed it to his father that he initially had no problems with the authorities. As a volunteer for military service and then a prisoner of war, his father protected Jacques and his family under the Geneva Convention. But the Nazis were looking for hostages to deport. Thus, in early February 1944, Jacques, his older sister (the younger one was in hiding) and his little brother were detained with their mother for three months in the Drancy internment camp, before being deported to the "Star Camp", Bergen-Belsen.
It was in turn to their mother that the children owed their survival. If they enjoyed "privileged" conditions because the Nazis wanted to use her as a bargaining chip, these children would never have survived without the moral support and sacrifices of their mother. All the more so because living conditions, already harsh, worsened from the autumn of 1944 with the influx of survivors evacuated from the camps further east. With its organization falling apart, Bergen-Belsen became a veritable death camp riddled with famine and epidemic disease.
Jacques and his family regained their freedom after experiencing in April 1945 the agonies of the refugee "Ghost Train" on which half the 2,000 Jews evacuated from the Star Camp lost their lives. Jacques and his sister were stricken with typhus. They were reunited with their father at Paris´s repatriation centre in the Hotel Lutetia on June 23, 1945.
Although they survived, the same could not be said for other members of the family: no trace of those living in Poland; in France, Jacques lost his paternal grandparents, three uncles, two aunts and six cousins.
From this confrontation with horror at such a young age, escaping he still does not know how, Jacques conceived one great passion: life itself.
Da Parigi a Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945 ; ricordi di un bambino deportato
Jacques Saurel
- Le Manuscrit
- 8 Octobre 2012
- 9782304041187
Jacques Saurel, nato nel 1933, avrebbe potuto subire il destino riservato a numerosi bambini, figli di genitori ebrei emigrati dalla Polonia tra le due guerre: Auschwitz e la camera a gas. È grazie a suo padre se in un primo momento riesce a sfuggire alla deportazione: arruolato volontario, poi prigioniero di guerra, questi è protetto, così come la sua famiglia, dalla Convenzione di Ginevra. Ma i nazisti cercano degli ostaggi da deportare. Così, nei primi giorni del febbraio 1944, Jacques, la sorella maggiore (la minore è stata nascosta) e il fratellino sono internati per tre mesi a Drancy, per essere poi deportati nel «campo della stella» di Bergen-Belsen con la loro mamma.
Da quel momento è grazie a lei che riescono a sopravvivere. Pur beneficiando di condizioni «privilegiate» poiché i nazisti vogliono servirsi di loro come di «merce di scambio», questi bambini non avrebbero mai potuto resistere senza il sostegno morale e i sacrifici della loro mamma; tanto più che le condizioni di vita, già molto difficili, si deteriorano a partire dall´autunno 1944, man mano che arrivano i sopravvissuti delle evacuazioni dell´Europa dell´ est. Il campo di Bergen-Belsen, la cui organizzazione si sgretola, diventa allora un vero e proprio cimitero dove regnano fame ed epidemie.
Dismiss the black butterflies ; the story of a nazi death camps survivor
Lichtsztejn-montard Sarah
- Le Manuscrit
- 20 Avril 2015
- 9782304045024
For over 25 years, Sarah Lichtsztejn-Montard has tirelessly recounted what she endured during the Second World War, especially to young people. How she and her mother escaped from the Vél' d'Hiv' on the first night after the round-up on July 16th, 1942, and how they were reported in May 1944, thrusting them into the maelstrom of Nazi torment: Drancy, the hell of Auschwitz-Birkenau and, finally, Bergen-Belsen, where they were liberated on April 15th, 1945. Sarah has put her experiences down on paper for those she cares about most, interspersing the account of her life as a wife and mother deeply marked by the Holocaust with the story of her shattered adolescence. This powerful book delivers a universal message of hope and courage.
A Thousand Days in the Life of a Deportee Who Was Lucky
Theodore Woda
- Le Manuscrit
- 22 Avril 2016
- 9782304045642
Holocaust survivors often say that the circumstances in which they defied death were a matter of sheer luck. They also mention the random, arbitrary nature of the Nazi concentration camp system. The odore Woda puts luck at the heart of his story, showing that, although the Third Reich was intent on destroying all the Jews of Europe, gas chambers or a slow death by starvation and/or mistreatment did not always lie at the end of the road.
It cannot really be said that luck was on The odore's side when the Gestapo arrested him during a spot check for the sole crime of being Jewish and deported him from the Drancy camp on transport 33. His «luck», then, was relative. It came into play when the train taking him to the Auschwitz extermination camp stopped at the railway station in Opole, where he and some fellow deportees were selected for slave labor. But during the 32 months he spent in three slave labor and two concentration camps in Silesia, The odore's «luck» did not keep him safe from hunger, beatings, unhygienic conditions and abuse. As he relates in plain, matter-of-fact words, he was «lucky» to work in workshops, know German and possess the resourcefulness to live by his wits. Under those circumstances, he managed not only to find food to supplement his insufficient diet, but to correspond with his family and even receive parcels sent to him under the names of men in the STO (the French acronym for Service de travail obligatoire, or Compulsory Labor Service).
In sum, he was «lucky» to return alive from the maelstrom that claimed the lives of his mother, two of his brothers, one of his sisters, his uncle and his aunt. His testimonial has been unpublished until now.
L'arbre du savoir-apprendre : vers un référentiel cognitif / the art of learning and the knowledge tree : toward a cognitive framework
Hélène Trocmé-fabre
- Le Manuscrit
- 23 Mars 2022
- 9782304052329
Je suis, pour ma part, convaincue que le rôle essentiel du monde éducatif dans son ensemble est de permettre, par une véritable présence, l'émergence chez tous les partenaires de la situation d'apprentissage, de leur propre questionnement qui ouvre l'espace intérieur sur notre capacité matricielle, celui qui met en mouvement les co-acteurs, la personne en formation et ceux qui l'accompagnent, vers un lieu où il leur est possible d'actualiser leur potentiel.
... Si le questionnement est la véritable sève de l'arbre du savoir-apprendre, les différents acteurs de la situation de formation ne peuvent plus en faire l'économie pour leur propre parcours.
I, for one, am convinced that the essential role of all the educational actors, through a genuine presence to each other, is to enable the emergence of personal inquiry which contributes to the opening up of our learning space. It also sets in motion the co-actors, the learner and those who accompany that learner toward a place where it is possible to actualize their own potential.
... If inquiry is the true sap of the tree of knowledge, the different actors in the educational setting can no longer do without it on their own journey. -
Sports governance in the world ; a socio-historic approach
Claude Sobry
- Le Manuscrit
- 16 Novembre 2011
- 9782304038200
The main goal of this 3 volumes work is to study the methods of governance of sport and the purposes pursued in 35 countries, as well as to glance towards structures which participate in sport structuring and in its evolution under the crossed light of History, Sociology and Economy.
The two
In this book, Odette Spingarn gives us a first-hand account of the various camps of the «final solution» she passed through after being arrested with her parents in a village in Corrèze, France on 31 March 1944: the Périgueux barracks, Drancy transit camp, Auschwitz II-Birkenau extermination camp - where her mother died - one of its sub-camps, Kanada, where she sorted murdered deportees' clothing and, finally, the Zschopau campfactory in Saxony, Germany, to which she was moved in early October 1944.
As the Allies approached in April 1945, she and her fellow slave laborers, all of them women, were packed into boxcars bound for a death camp. Odette took her fate into her hands and jumped out of the train, embarking on a long odyssey that she describes in detail. In the end, a German woman saved her life.
Back in France, Odette's youth and unshakeable optimism enabled her to build a new life, study, have a career and start a family.
Social and solidarity economy, a response to international challenges
Thierry Jeantet, Anne-marie Wioland-shabana
- Le Manuscrit
- 21 Mars 2013
- 9782304041729
A global challenge needs a global response! This could be the motto of the Social and Solidarity Economy. This book, produced under the direction of Thierry Jeantet, President of the Association of the Mont-Blanc Meetings-The International Forum of the Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs, is a collection of articles written by actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy coming from several continents.
Diversity and plurality. The diversity of the authors of this book, of their profession and country, of their observation angles -some economic, others social or ecological- beyond an intellectual interest, embodies the diversity of the SSE which partly makes its strength.
"Wake up, Europe! is an alarm call, but it is also a book full of hope.
The indifference and the setbacks from Europe's common future are both unacceptable and dangerous. Philippe Herzog appeals to all strands of society to help save the Union from party rivalry and national conflicts. He asks us to speak out and campaign for the regeneration of Europe's project, for there is no time to lose!
On the eve of the European elections, the stakes of which are high, Philippe Herzog presents, for public debate, a powerful and cohesive plan of action to rebuild the Union and restore the economy. It is the fruit of twenty years of hard individual and collaborative work at Confrontations Europe, and of his political experience within the European institutions."
La economia social y solidaria, una respuesta a los desafios internacionales
Thierry Jeantet, Anne-marie Wioland-shabana
- Le Manuscrit
- 21 Mars 2013
- 9782304041705
Frente a desafío global, respuesta global! Este podría ser el lema de la Economía Social y Solidaria. Este libro, publicado bajo la dirección de Thierry Jeantet, Presidente de la Asociación de los Encuentros del Mont-Blanc - Foro Internacional de los Dirigentes de la Economía Social y Solidaria, reune artículos escritos por actores de la Economía Social y Solidaria de distintos continentes.
Diversidad y pluralidad. La diversidad de los autores de este libro, de sus áreas profesionales, de sus países de origen y de sus ángulos de observación, a veces económico, social o ambiental, más allá de su interés intelectual, representa la diversidad de la ESS, que es parte de su fuerza.
Who are the World Citizens ? Numerous great men of the xxth century have advocated the institution of world sovereignty. From Winston Churchill, to Mahatma Gandhi, from Léon Blum to Nobel Prize winner Willy Brandt, all have spoken in favour of the recognition of world citizenship. The impact of Solidarnosc in Poland, the mass movements across Europe which brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening in the Iron Curtain are the visible signs of the peoples' aspirations toward a common identity. NGOs such as WWF, Amnesty International or MSF (Doctors without Borders) shed new light upon this aspect of solidarity across the planet. Drawing the conclusion from five thousand years of world History, The Amazing Power of World Citizens pleads for the setting up of international political institutions as the only answer to the need for a harmonious social and economic development of nations.
Hungary, spring-summer 1944. In less than two months, nearly 440,000 Jews crammed into 147 trains were deported from Hungary to be transported for the great majority to the gates of the Auschwitz-Birkenau's Krematorium. The Brodi family, from Huedin, Transylvania, arrives there on the night of June 1 to 2. Elisabeth is 20 years old, she will never see her family again.
Elisabeth's mourning story plunges us into the modest family life, marked by the attachment to the traditions of her parents, within the Jewish community of a small provincial town in northern Romania. This area at the crossroads of the borders, remodeled in the aftermath of the Great War, is annexed by Hungary in 1940 and its entry into the war worsens the persecutions against the Jews. The Brodi family suffers the effects until the invasion of the country by the Nazis (March 19, 1944) which precipitates them in the Cluj ghetto, the last stage before the deportation.
The memory of her family, her strength of character, her endurance forged in the permanent danger of a terrible year and happy encounters, allow Elisabeth to go through hardships. For her new life, she chooses France and to join the one she loves in Gironde. They met in Gorlitz (Lower Silesia), in a shelter under the Allied bombardments, she, a slave, he, a prisoner of war, exploited by the Nazi war industry. It was in La Teste-de-Buch that they got married, and that Elisabeth built a beautiful and large family (8 children, 17 grandchildren,...) in the form of victory over the annihilation promised by Hitler. She has never ceased passing on the memory of her family and lavishing the lessons of her courage and resilience to the younger generations for a quarter of a century. -
Vinos de America y de Europa
Frédéric Duhart, Sergio antonio Corona paez
- Le Manuscrit
- 8 Décembre 2010
- 9782304035568
Vinos de América y de Europa ofrece catorce miradas originales sobre la historia y la actualidad del sector vitivinícola en países ubicados en ambos lados del Atlántico: Argentina, Chile, España, Francia, Italia, México, etc. En sus páginas, historiadores, antropólogos y lingüistas se interesan en varios aspectos de la producción, del consumo y de la representación del vino desde la antigüedad romana hasta nuestro tiempo. Este libro nos invita a pensar sucesivamente en el destino de cepas, en la constitución de viñedos coloniales, en la construcción de las denominaciones de origen o en el buen beber. Además, la suma de los ensayos que componen Vinos de América y de Europa constituye un aporte estimulante para la reflexión sobre grandes temas de interés para los actores de la vitivinicultura contemporánea: la definición de la calidad, la gestión patrimonial de los viñedos, el desarrollo del enoturismo...
Elisabeth Kasza was a nomad in more ways than one. During the war she was deported and sent from one concentration camp to another, then went into exile afterwards. After becoming an actress, she travelled within herself, from character to character. Elisabeth was born in Kaposvár, in southwestern Hungary, into a family of Jewish origin that had converted to Protestantism. Under the Nazi yoke, as Jews she and her parents were confined in a ghetto and later deported. Elisabeth voluntarily shared with them the fate of the 440,000 Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau between mid-May and early July 1944. Like most of the deportees, her father was murdered as soon as he arrived. Then Elisabeth was cruelly separated from her mother and transferred to the camps of Bergen-Belsen, Duderstadt and Terezin. After the Liberation, Elisabeth went to Budapest, where she was treated for myocarditis brought on by malnutrition in the camps. Fleeing the communist dictatorship, she wanted to settle in the United States but stayed in France, where she became a stage and screen actress.
Her story is the account of a sensitive, cultivated woman whose happy youth was swept away by torment and horror.
Buehyor"7 buehyor"7 buehyor"7 buehyor"7 acheter votre texte. Choisissez-le judicieusement, afin qu'il accroche le lecteur et donne une première idée de votre ouvrage. Vérifiez qu'il ne comporte pas de fautes d'orthographe, de typographie ni de syntaxe. acheter votre texte. Choisissez-le judicieusement, afin qu'il accroche le lecteur et donne une première idée de votre ouvrage. Vérifiez qu'il ne comporte pas de fautes d'orthographe, de typographie ni de syntaxe. acheter votre texte. Choisissez-le judicieusement, afin qu'il accroche le lecteur et donne une première idée de votre ouvrage. Vérifiez qu'il ne comporte pas de fautes d'orthographe, de typographie ni de syntaxe. acheter votre texte. Choisissez-le judicieusement, afin qu'il accro
From my own experience, I had consented to write this novel which is based on real facts. It takes the reader back to reality - the reality of those miserable people who live in the shantytowns in Morocco. The evocative tale brings the harshness of their lives. It provides for the reader to identify who was the responsible. The situations are so stirring, and the characters so real. " Escape ! I must escape to change my life...Why should I be unhappyoe I have the right to joy and fulfillment like every human " was the main theme or question dealt between these poor people.
Cet ensemble est, à travers la réflexion des deux personnages principaux, un voyage dans la pensée humaine dans ce qu'elle a de pessimisme et d'étrangement poétique. Cet ouvrage, laisse le lecteur tirer ses propres conclusions et construire la propre trame de la chronologie de l'histoire. Il appartient à chacun au travers des faits et gestes de Nicole et d'André de reconstituer le cheminement de deux vies qui s'affrontent, se complètent et s'achèvent dans une logique imparable. Aux confins de la folie et sans jamais y sombrer.
Roman en trois parties.